Things that are said to help prevent hangovers (grapefruit juice, ramune, shijimi clams)

April 6, 2021

Things that are said to help prevent hangovers (grapefruit juice, ramune, shijimi clams)

I have previously introduced some recommended measures to prevent hangovers, but this time I would like to talk about foods that are effective in preventing hangovers.

What can I do to get over a hangover quickly?

Some of the things that are said to be effective in fighting hangovers are just word of mouth or have no evidence. The following is an explanation of foods that are said to be good for preventing hangovers from the perspective of alcohol metabolism in antioxidant research.

Grapefruit juice

First of all, you may hear that grapefruit juice is good to drink on the morning of a hangover.

Grapefruit juice has vitamin C, potassium, and minerals in it. Therefore, grapefruit juice is not particularly good for hangovers, but grapefruit juice is a better hangover remedy than drinking water.

Grapefruit juice also contains carbohydrates, which can help metabolize acetaldehyde that has not been fully broken down in the body.


Next is ramune. It is said that drinking ramune before going to bed is good for hangovers.

To begin with, the ingredients of ramune are water, sugar, and carbon dioxide. First of all, carbon dioxide has nothing to do with hangovers, but water is important for improving dehydration.

Secondly, the “sugar” or glucose in ramune is used as energy for the mitochondria in the liver that metabolize acetaldehyde in the body, so it is better than drinking water. That’s how I feel.


Lastly, we often hear that “miso soup with clams is good for the liver”.  Clams promote the metabolism of alcohol. However, there is no medical evidence that shijimi promotes alcohol metabolism and is effective against hangovers. There is no medical evidence to support this claims.

When I think about why people say that clams are good for alcohol metabolism and the liver, and that they are effective in fighting hangovers, I wonder if this superstitious story was created because clams are a protein that is easily incorporated into the diet. I think it is.

Furthermore, clams contain a lot of iron. I think it’s okay to have a few in your miso soup.

However, there are supplements that are made by boiling clam extracts, which contain large amounts of iron from condensed clams. If you keep taking it, the iron will accumulate in your liver.

This has been shown to be the source of liver rust and oxidative stress, making hepatitis worse and liver cancer bigger.

If you have hepatitis or bad liver values, you should refrain from eating iron-rich foods, such as clam extract, turmeric, and ginger root.


Some of the things that are said to be good for hangovers have no medical evidence, and some of them may have negative effects on the body. There is a risk that you may end up in an unhealthy or ineffective state even though you have tried to take them for your health.

I hope that you will not simply believe word-of-mouth or advertisements when you take in a product that you expect to have some kind of effect, but that you will choose a product that has evidence (proof) after properly examining its basis and data.