Lactobacilli and allergic diseases and hay fever
March 18, 2021
Lactobacilli and allergic diseases and hay fever
This time I talk about the relationship between lactobacilli and allergic diseases.
Some hay fever sufferers may have heard that “lactic acid bacteria can alleviate hay fever symptoms”. It is also sometimes said that eating yogurt on a regular basis can help prevent hay fever.

What kind of relationship is there between lactobacilli and allergic diseases?
Intestinal bacteria and immune balance
Allergic diseases are very much related to the body’s defense reaction, or “immunity”. Allergies occur when the immune system is out of balance.
Our intestines are inhabited by a tremendous number of bacteria, and these bacteria are called intestinal bacteria. In fact, it was not well known until now, but it is now thought that these intestinal bacteria are responsible for 60% of our body’s immunity.
Intestinal bacteria are found in the intestines of mammals, and humans have trillions of them. The intestinal bacteria can be divided into good bacteria, bad bacteria, and opportunistic bacteria.
Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria are the most well-known good bacteria. About 20% of the bacteria in the intestines are these good bacteria, and about 10% are bad bacteria, the most famous being the toxic E. coli. The rest are said to be opportunistic bacteria.
It has been thought that when the balance of environment of these intestinal bacteria is disrupted, the immune balance is disrupted or the immune system is lowered.
Why lactobacilli are good for allergic diseases
We coexist with trillions of bacteria in the intestines, but when the balance of the bacteria in the intestines collapses and this also collapses the balance of the immune system, it is easy to become allergic. Therefore, increasing the number of good bacteria in yogurt or improving the intestinal environment will improve the balance of immunity played by the intestinal bacteria.
Lactobacillus acidophilus and yogurt themselves do not directly suppress allergies, but by adjusting the condition of intestinal bacteria and making it good, allergies can be suppressed.
By improving the balance of bacteria in the intestines, the balance of the immune system can be improved, and with the immune system in a better balance, oxidative stress can be reduced, which may be enough to eliminate allergy symptoms. This is why yogurt is said to be effective for allergic diseases such as hay fever.
It is effective to take lactic acid bacteria such as yogurt to improve the balance of intestinal bacteria.
And when the balance of intestinal bacteria is improved, the balance of immunity is improved. There is a deep relationship between the immune system and oxidative stress. And oxidative stress is very deeply related to hay fever. Please refer to my previous article on the relationship between hay fever and oxidative stress.