What is a second opinion? The purpose of getting a second opinion and how to choose one
March 31, 2021
What is a second opinion? The purpose of getting a second opinion and how to choose one
These days, a wealth of information is available in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. For example, you can get a certain amount of information about the treatment, symptoms, and progress of a disease by looking it up, and you can also get a variety of information about the doctors and hospitals where you will receive treatment.

But when you are sick, which hospital should you go to? What is the best doctor to see? There is so much information out there that it is easy to get lost. In this article, we talk about second opinions.
How to choose a doctor or hospital is a topic that everyone is interested in, so much so that it is even featured in magazines, but it can be very difficult.
Because even with the same disease, the symptoms vary from person to person, and not only the feelings of the individual, but also the feelings of the family must be considered. Also, while the goal is to treat the disease, it is natural to want to have a trusting relationship with the doctor and have no worries about the treatment.
At present, the national and local governments are providing support so that people can visit medical institutions with peace of mind. Not only at hospitals, but also at the local welfare department, you may be able to consult with them.
What is a second opinion?
In general, a second opinion is a request for an opinion on a treatment method or treatment plan for a current illness from a doctor at a different medical institution than the one you are currently seeing.
An opinion from your doctor is called a “first opinion,” and an opinion from a different doctor is called a “second opinion”.
The purpose of a second opinion is for a patient to get an opinion from another doctor so that he or she can have a better understanding of his or her own illness, and be able to receive treatment with confidence. In many cases, this service is not covered by insurance, and the patient must pay for it. If you would like to get a second opinion, you can consult with your current hospital, your doctor, or the local government.
Some people feel uncomfortable telling their doctor that they want to get a second opinion, but it is more important for the patient to be satisfied and at ease with the treatment than to proceed with the treatment if he or she is unsure or troubled.
By getting a second opinion without telling your doctor, you may not be properly informed about your illness or your current relationship of trust may be broken, so it is recommended that you also consult your doctor when considering a second opinion.
I also think that the best time to get a second opinion is before you decide on a treatment method or policy. It is better to get a second opinion before deciding on the treatment method and plan.
Treatment Results
When getting a second opinion, there are many hospitals, especially in Tokyo, and recently there have been magazines and books that introduce the treatment results of diseases in addition to the hospital rankings.
For example, in the case of cancer, the results of cancer treatment are published, so when choosing a hospital for a second opinion, one way is to choose a hospital with good results.
In rural areas, however, the number of hospitals is limited. Therefore, it is not always possible for everyone who wants a second opinion to receive a good one.
However, if you have a choice, please choose a hospital that publishes treatment results by disease. For example, if you have stomach cancer, choose a hospital that publishes the figures for gastric cancer, and if you have female genital cancer such as uterine cancer, choose a hospital that publishes the figures for female genital cancer treatment and has good results for it.
There are different cases of cancer depending on the site and type of cancer, and the treatment methods that produce results are also different. Therefore, it is important to check the treatment results for each case.
Then, when you have found the hospital you want to see, we recommend that you ask your doctor to write a letter of introduction to your primary care physician, saying that you want to see him/her at this hospital.
The most important thing when treating a disease is to be satisfied and at ease with the treatment. “Will this be enough?”, “Will this be enough?”, “Will I be cured?”, “Is there another treatment?”. It is not advisable to undergo treatment with anxiety and worries.
If you want to get a second opinion so that your worries and anxieties can be relieved and you can go through the treatment with peace of mind, you should look for a hospital or a doctor who is suitable for you based on the results of the treatment and ask your doctor for a letter of introduction, which will lead to a good second opinion.