Reactive oxygen species, the source of oxidative stress, actually help the body’s immune system!
March 31, 2021
Reactive oxygen species, the source of oxidative stress, actually help the body’s immune system!
It is often said that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are the source of oxidative stress and cause the body to rust. However, in fact, these reactive oxygen species also have an important function to protect the body. In this article, I explain how reactive oxygen species are useful to our bodies.

Reactive oxygen species are useful.
Reactive oxygen species are produced in our bodies every day. When we breathe in oxygen, we use it to make energy for our activities, but at the same time, oxygen also produces reactive oxygen species.
At the same time, oxygen also produces reactive oxygen species, which are the source of oxidative stress that causes the body to rust, but they also have a positive effect on the body.
Our body has white blood cells, which are immune cells, and neutrophils in them swallow bacteria, viruses, and other bad things when they enter the body. However, swallowing alone does not kill these bacteria and viruses.
The white blood cells use hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid to destroy the bacteria and viruses they have taken in.
Hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid are the source of oxidative stress, but our body uses this power to destroy things that are bad for the body and to protect itself from infection.
Immune cells and reactive oxygen species
There are two main types of immune cells. One is the T-cell type that comes from the thymus gland located behind the breast bone. The other is the B-cell type that comes from the spleen located next to the stomach. Both types of cells play different roles in the immune system.
Immune cells are so-called white blood cells, and when inflammation occurs in the body, white blood cells gather at the site. When inflammation occurs in the body, white blood cells gather in the area. White blood cells create oxidative stress to fight inflammation, so when inflammation occurs and white blood cells gather in the area, oxidative stress is created, and the area with inflammation will have high oxidative stress levels.
Excessive levels of reactive oxygen species lower immunity
When the oxidative stress level in the body is high, the white blood cells, which are our immune cells, are themselves damaged. When this happens, the white blood cells will not be able to exert their natural immunity effects.
When the immune system is weakened, we are more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. An imbalance in immunity can also cause allergy symptoms such as hay fever.
Reactive oxygen species, the source of oxidative stress, cannot be removed from the body. If they are removed, the body will not be able to protect itself from bacteria and viruses and will become weak and prone to infections.
However, lowering oxidative stress is effective if you want to boost your immune system. Since immunity is an important function of the body, it is recommended to live a life where oxidative stress does not rise to prevent damage to the cells.