Specially appointed professor Haruhiko Inufusa gave an urgent commentary on the potential of antioxidant therapy for prevention and treatment measures of the new coronavirus pneumonia that is spreading.
June 8, 2021
Specially appointed professor Haruhiko Inufusa gave an urgent commentary on the potential of antioxidant therapy for prevention and treatment measures of the new coronavirus pneumonia that is spreading.
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I am a researcher of oxidative stress, which is the rusting of the body, and I belong to Gifu University and Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center. I believe that oxidative stress plays an important role in the new coronavirus infection that started in Wuhan, and that is why I made this video.

First of all, the new coronavirus infection is very different from the flu. In influenza, children under the age of 19 are more likely to become seriously ill. On the other hand, with the new coronavirus infection, no children under the age of 10 are hospitalized, and even if they are infected, they are reportedly less likely to show symptoms.

Oxidative stress is lowest at birth and rises above the age of 30, and is very high above the age of 60.

It has been reported that the average age of those who died from the new coronavirus infection was in their mid 70s, and most of them had underlying diseases such as cerebral infarction, diabetes, and hypertension. Oxidative stress is very high in people with these underlying diseases. In other words, it is thought that the new coronavirus may infect people with high oxidative stress, lowering their immunity to this virus and causing them to become severely ill.

I have developed an antioxidant combination supplement, Twendee X, for which I have obtained international and Japanese patents.

Twendee X has been rated by a third party as the most effective antioxidant in the world.

Twendee X has been proven to lower oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain in experiments with stroke and dementia mice. Therefore, we believe that it can also reduce inflammation in the lungs.
Prevention of dementia

Prevention of asthma attacks

It has also successfully prevented dementia and asthma attacks for which there was no cure. Since oxidative stress is a major cause of both dementia and asthma, we believe it is only natural that Twendee X will be effective.

As for immunity, experiments on mice with metastasized cancer have shown that Twendee X lowers elevated oxidative stress and doubles the activity of natural killer cells, a type of immune cell.

We believe that lowering oxidative stress may be effective in preventing and treating viral infections by raising viral immunity.
The content of this video is the personal opinion of Haruhiko Inufusa, Project Professor, Division of Antioxidant Research, Gifu University, and is not the official opinion of the organization to which he belongs.
First out on February 20, 2020